Sunday, July 14, 2019

Why Before Me comes U?

A utterly butterly question, cmes to each1 in this wrld...y he is progressing n y me nt...?? Folks is any one admirely neccessary to make up this answer..Surely not!! 
We fail to admire us, explore us, n waste ourself comparing with someone else. A Famous quote is there "Stop comparing urself with others, as it is same as insulting oneness of our own!!"
Each one is unique, comes with hidden talent, which he only has to discover. In our CAD Engineering Language, we have hidden layers in our software which can be displayed on/off by single mouse touch, but is it so simple for Practically Biological Intellectual species of this universe. There's a Big NO.
So Friends Run Die hard in this competitive world; 
Strive till the end, for ur motives; 
Learn a lot till the end of ur life; 
n Play with bare hand with urself at each n every Dead End....
At last "U r the Whole sole Finisher of ur GOALS, rest all are Motivators, N u should end as a Influencer"
From: IAmJustU....Stood Among Many!!

R u Financial Literate???

R u Financial  Literate??? Today India's Literacy rate is 74.04%. Its not still up to the mark. But timingly not to worry for.  ...